Sedation Dentistry in Albuquerque, NM
Sedation dentistry allows patients who have been or are nervous when visiting the dentist reduce their anxiety during their dental visit. Many people around Albuquerque avoid visiting the dentist because of a “dental phobia or anxiety.” If you are ONE of these people then dentistry under sedation might be right for you.
“45% of all Americans do NOT go to the dentist regularly because of this fear”
Benefits of Dental Sedation
- Relieves Anxiety and Fear
- Little/No Memory of Treatment
- Pain Free Dental Experience
- Saving Time- Less Appointments
Types of Dental Sedation
Intravenous sedation is a moderate type of sedation. Patients who have previously experienced IV sedation often report feeling like they slept through the entire procedure. Generally, IV sedation is used for shorter treatments. It is administered via direct injection into the bloodstream, which means the effects are immediate. Sometimes patients feel groggy and sleepy when the IV sedatives are withdrawn. This is why it is important to bring a designated driver for the drive home.
Oral conscious sedation is an excellent choice for people who fear needles. Oral medication is provided prior to treatment in order to induce a moderate state of sedation. Though oral sedatives do not cause sleep, they usually dull the senses. This means that most patients cannot remember the pain, smells or noises associated with the procedure. Usually, a dose of medication is taken prior to the appointment, and then topped up during the procedure as required.
Nitrous oxide sedation is the lightest form of dental sedation, but it can provide adequate level of anesthesia and relaxation for most people and for the majority of dental procedures. It involves breathing a mixture of nitrous oxide gas in combination with oxygen which can help anxious patients to become more relaxed and co-operative during treatment without experiencing pain.
Dr. Paterson, our dentist that offers sedation, will be glad to assist and help you with any questions regarding sedation dentistry. Please contact our office at (505) 369-0074.